Remember Who You Are

May I play with your attention before you speak? I am feeling curious about the words that fly about the place.

What piece of substance is it that proclaims “I”?

If you are standing, let your knees be soft and if you are standing, sitting or lying, feel the support of the ground under you and picture it in your mind.

“Mother Earth, thank you for holding me and nourishing me every day of my life.”

Imagine your weight sinking into the support of the Earth and know that you are in tender, immediate, dynamic and ultimate relationship with this Earth in every moment. Feel the ground that has grown every single morsel you have ever consumed and notice the breath, flowing through you and bringing oxygen to every single cell of your body. Here you are in this context, a body in dynamic relationship with the vast universe touching and flowing with Earth and its everythingness.

Before you open your mouth to murmur, speak, sing, laugh, cry, storm, affirm, insult, boast, worship, kiss, assert, acknowledge, deny, pronounce, renounce – remember who you are.

In the instant that you begin to proclaim, feel the sacred ground holding you as it always has, feel your pelvis pulsing powerfully connecting your grounded legs and your upper breathing and thinking shapes, feel your beating heart and the fire of aliveness in your belly as you open your mouth. Are you not a miracle, that is held lovingly in all of this? May you express from this miraculous place of being?

When you breathe in and soak your body with a dose of the atmosphere, about to express some word or sound of your aliveness, do you remember that this “you” is another ecstatic expression of your elemental Earth loving relationship?

When you breathe in and relish your body with a being-sized portion of the atmosphere, when you remember that you are an ecstatic expression of elemental, Earth loving relationship, you might express in voice, movement, silence, simplicity, the roar of an ocean, the brightness of a sunrise, the gentleness of rain, the secrecy of the dark, the passion of a thunderstorm, the murkiness of a cloudy sky – you might even be a fish, a flower, a tree or an ant.

What is your ecstatic expression of Earth in loving relationship today?

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