The Fabric of Being a Human – Remember and Fall in Love

Our Physical Fabric:

Every molecule and atom in every cell of your body was created in the stars and grown in the soil of the Earth. You are a conscious part of Earth.

Our Mental Fabric:

Our head-brain that is over-worshipped for its knowing, connected intimately to a vast nervous system in the body-brain that’s deeply knowing and mostly ignored, crushed or hidden.

Our Emotional Fabric:

Every moment we sense ourselves and the world and our bodies react with a hardening or a softening, we know we’re alive and our aliveness IS this. To be emotional is human. To crush, ignore or hide our emotions is insane.

Our Spiritual Fabric:

Everything within us is connected to everything else in the world that we are a part of. We know it and it knows us. We know each other and we are known. We are LOVE.

Do you act or choose your behaviour from only a part of yourself instead of this whole wealth of YOU?

Yes. We learnt this. It is not how we are meant to be, a small part cut off from its richness and beauty.


How can we feel more connected to ALL the life within us and the wealth of life around us, that we are not usually seeing or hearing?

REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE: a minute, magical, conscious vibrant part of the aliveness of the whole world. The whole world is living through you.

YES! THAT’S YOU – and when you can’t remember or feel this, you sense the separation from your inner being and the world where you belong, you feel sad, alone, lost, scared and cornered into your ego without the resources and strengths you long for.

Instead of all the blame, shame, guilt, hate we’ve learnt, we can open a new door and learn who we are, fall in love with our humanity so we no longer feel urged to destroy ourselves or others to squash out our precious and life-giving feelings.

Start with your heart. Pause and notice how it is right now. Aaahhh. Accept that this is how your heart is right now. It is ok. You are ok just the way you are. After a few minutes, notice something that makes your heart soft and warm – feel it, feel it more and stay with that, hold it and remember that that is the most marvellous and valuable thing inside you, that your body knows how to do love.

This love and our loving connection with the whole world can heal everything else. Let’s do this loving and healing. Come on.

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