
Embodiment Conference 2020

I grew up with an emphasis on academic study and used logical rational thinking to navigate my way through life’s ups and downs. These tools were ineffective in dealing with my worries and stress. Everything I couldn’t solve spiralled round in my head with no clarity. My body seemed to become a mesh of knots…

Blame – Choose Connection over Separation

When I talk about grief and sadness, people ask me about blame, as though there is a direct line from “my painful feelings” linked to “who is to blame.” When I say I am feeling grief and sadness, I am seeking understanding and compassion for my actions and other people’s actions. I am not feeling…

Embodied Nonviolent Communication Workshop

Monday 8th June 1pm – 4pm GMT +1 Hosted with Finchley Yoga “Ronhild de Brito is a woman who has immersed herself in embodied heart felt communication. Her experience has depth and she is skilled in sharing with others how to use heart led communication techniques in even the most challenging situations. I am honoured…

Embodied Nonviolent Communication with Grief and Mourning

Thursday 16th July 2020 13:00 to 16:00 BST This workshop will offer Nonviolent Communication for: Connecting with yourself in a heartfelt way (in body and mind) Expressing your truth clearly Listening with empathy. You will gain tools you can practice, which will powerfully change the way you interact with others. You’ll feel in charge, more…

What transformation am I talking about?

When I am using Transformation in the title of this site, I guess it’s time to say what that means to me. There are two things I want to say. I was recently doing a charity walk in my local area and found myself walking alongside some lovely people to chat with, which I really…

5 week Course – Embodied Nonviolent Communication

Join Ron de Brito for this 5 module online course taking place on Tuesday evenings from 17 November 2020 from 19:30 – 21:30. This course is for individuals, professionals, facilitators and anyone with an interest in learning the tools to explore conflict; understand the needs behind conflicts; and how to communicate to resolve conflicts peacefully.…

The Wisdom of Pain

Featured in Embodied Yoga Principles I spoke on The Wisdom of Pain and Sensitivity on Embodied Pain Day to help promote The Embodiment Conference 2020. We explored comfort, compassion, healing, support, time, ease and unravelling pain. Do have a listen and sign up for The Embodiment Conference, thousands of talks with speakers from across the world.